Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 9
Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 9 Blackwater: summery: Stannis Baratheon's fleet and army arrive at King's Landing and the battle for the city begins. Cersei plans for her and her children's future. This Episode is what we all have been waiting for Something to shock and amazing through out the 7 kingdoms and beyond. Stannis finally makes a move and the devil imp is forced to defend the castle, well the dog makes plans of his own. Your Grace if i may ask..... you may not!! But the show must go on as they siege the wall everything begins to look so grim as Tyrion takes a sword to the face but by whos order? Dany has not been ideal either as she gathers her army across the narrow sea, I am sure we will be seeing more of her in the season final next.