

 Red_crested_turaco   is a turaco, a group of African Otidimorphae birds. It is a frugivorous bird endemic to western Angola. Its call sounds somewhat like a jungle monkey.   It is a resident breeder in the dense forest area of Central Africa, found in the Congo, Angola, Uganda, West Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, southern Sudan and the Congo.   The Red-crested Turaco is a fairly large, colorful, long-tailed regal bird. It is easily identified by its vivid red crest, white face and yellow beak. Eyes are red and the beak is yellowish-green. Its plumage is overall green. They measure 19 - 20 in (47.5-50 cm) from beak to tip of tail and weigh around 210-325g.   breeders may feed these turacos Kaytee softbill pellets, as well as fruits and vegetables - especially greens.


 Gabela_helmetshrike   The Gabela helmetshrike is a species of bird in the Vanga family Vangidae, formerly usually included in the Malaconotidae. It is endemic to Angola. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical moist montane forests.   is a species of helmetshrike in the Prionopidae family, formerly usually included in the Malaconotidae.     


 Spikenose_Wedgefish   African wedgefish have a pale olive-brown or olive-grey color with white spots spread across their back. The edges of their fins are sometimes paler in color. They have a cluster of three black marks on each side of a ridge that runs along their back. Another dark mark can be found each one of these marks. The area around each fish's eye is lighter, reminiscent of a mask. The fish have ridges near their front that possess a row of thorns.   The African wedgefish has a maximum total length of about 3 m (9.8 ft), but are usually 1.5 m (4.9 ft) long. They have 172-176 free vertebral centra   Sawfishes, also known as carpenter sharks, are a family of rays characterized by a long, narrow, flattened rostrum, or nose extension, lined with sharp transverse teeth, arranged in a way that resembles a saw. They are among the largest fish with some species reaching lengths of about 7–7.6 m (23–25 ft).


 Giant_Sable_Antelope   Like all antelopes, giant sables are shy by nature, but they can also be very aggressive. The males can be especially dangerous when hurt, attacked, or approached.   Predators and prey both occur at relatively low density in miombo woodland. Apart from occasional lions, spotted hyenas, and wild dogs, the main predator of the sable is the leopard. Adult sable are generally too large and formidable for leopards,   aka no.   they are herbivores and are specialized browsing animals that feed upon foliage, mid-length grasses, leaves and herbs, particularly those that grow on termite mounds. Tree leaves make up 90% of their diet.


 Cape_buffalo is a large sub-Saharan African bovine 'bull' aka 'cow'. Syncerus caffer, the Cape buffalo, is the typical subspecies, and the largest one, found in Southern and East Africa.   is one of the most successful grazers in Africa. have few predators and are capable of defending themselves   they're known to be grumpy and unpredictable. And they can run up to 37 miles per hour.   Photo by Paul Tessier


 The_black_rhinoceros or hook-lipped rhinoceros is a species of rhinoceros, native to eastern and southern Africa including Angola, Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Eswatini, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Although the rhinoceros is referred to as black, its colours vary from brown to grey.   If you read data on this creature you might think it was extinct but thats not actually true. In fact its exteremely prolific or there lying to you when they tell you africa is an un-developed country. you cant have both you cant have prolific lose of habitat and be undeveloped. Pick one liars.   you either know exactly whats there and how many or you dont... You cant say there are x amount of x and we have no idea its unexplored... Thats called lying.


 Mountain_zebra Like all zebra species, the Cape mountain zebra has a characteristic black and white striping pattern on its pelage, unique to individuals. As with other mountain zebras, it is medium-sized, thinner with narrower hooves than the common plains zebra, and has a white belly like the Grévy's zebra.   There are three extant species: the Grévy's zebra (Equus grevyi), plains zebra (E. quagga), and the mountain zebra (E. zebra).   A group of zebras can be called a dazzle. ... Zebras can also be called a herd or a zeal.   A unicorn is a magical animal that looks like a horse, but has a single horn on its head. Seeing a unicorn is believed to bring good luck and fortune, which is why, a group of unicorns is called a blessing.   Like the unicorn a mountain zebra is a bit of a myth. AKA a plains zerbras hooves will narrow if raised from birth in a rocky terrain. aka there the same animal. sense thats the only difference one can fined in the two spieces it do...