Bengal Cats are just the cutiest little things in the whole wide world!!!!

The Bengal is a domestic cat breed developed to look like exotic jungle cats such as leopards, ocelots, Margays and clouded leopards. Bengal cats were developed by the selective breeding of domestic cats crossed then backcrossed and backcrossed once more with hybrids from the Asian leopard cat (ALC), Prionailurus Bengalensis Bengalensis, and domestic cat, with the goal of creating a confident, healthy, and friendly cat with a highly contrasted and vividly marked coat.[1]
The name "Bengal cat" was derived from the taxonomic name of the Asian leopard cat (P. b. Bengalensis). They have a "wild" appearance with large spots/rosettes/arrowheads, and a light/white belly, and a body structure reminiscent of the ALC. Once separated by at least four generations from the original ALC × domestic cat crossing, the breed possesses a gentle domestic cat temperament.

Bengal cats are generally a bright orange to light brown color, although pale or off-white "snow" Bengals also exist, and are popular among owners.


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